Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Have You Heard the Story about MS and Aspartame?

The consumption of Aspartame is causing massive health problems. Also marketed as Nutra Sweet, Equal and Spoonful, the wood alcohol (aka methanol) in Aspartame converts to toxic chemicals that cause metabolic acidosis. This is an abnormal blood PH...a poisoning of sorts...that leads to a variety of symptoms and can have serious health consequences:
  • chest pain
  • palpitations
  • headache
  • poor vision
  • poor hearing
  • nausea, vomiting
  • stomach pain
  • muscle weakness
  • bone pain
  • weight loss.
If your blood PH gets too low, it can result in blindness, cardiac arrhythmia and death.

So what does this have to do with the current epidemic of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in the United States? Well the toxicity that results from the consumption of Aspartame mimics MS except that in the short term it is a sure death sentence whereas a true MS sufferer has a substantially longer life to live. But many people are being diagnosed with MS when in reality they have methanol poisoning from Aspartame.

The toxicity caused by the consumption of Aspartame also causes problems symptomatic of other diseases such as lupus and fibromyalgia.

While found on the labels of many foods Apartame is prevalent in diet carbonated drinks.

So you might want to read the labels of the foods you eat and you just might want to stop drinking diet sodas. Besides being poisonous diet sodas actually make you crave carbohydrates because of the salt and Aspartame content. So not only are they poisonous they aren't even a good diet option.

This is an old story. It was reported in 2000 to the World Environmental Conference by Betty Martini.

So why is Aspartame still on the market? You guessed it: the powerful chemical and pharmaceutical lobbies.
Aspartame is found in approximately 6000 foods and beverages sold worldwide. Didn't I hear Obama say he wants to fix this fundamental flaw in the American democracy? I have high hopes.

In the meantime just stop buying foods that contain Aspartame and boycott all food products made by Monsanto, the maker of Aspartame.

And tell your friends. You might save someone's life.

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